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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New News, New Cast

Nora got a new cast on yesterday. She did really well, didn't fuss hardly at all. We did get more information on her fracture. She broke her humerus bone right by the elbow. Apparently this is a very bad place to break your arm. It is very hard for it to heal correctly. Once a week we have to take her to get x-rays to make sure it it growing alright. We don't have to take the cast off to do this, thank goodness! If everything grows alright at the end of four weeks the cast can come off but she still has to get x-rays every six months they didn't say for how long. If things don't grow as they should they said they might have to help it along. They used words like surgery and hardware. I don't like those words so we are not going to use them ever again. Okay? Now on to fashion. You see here that Nora is sporting a very cool cut off sleeper. You will be seeing this a lot. She will wear it for at least the next four weeks! You will also notice the hot pink barbie colored cast. Never let your kids break anything. The cast choices are awful!! I was hoping for a soft pink, no such luck! She also has a tattoo on her cast, complements of my mother. Mom always wanted one and is living her life via proxy through Nora. I don't care, I think she looks tough. Now moving onto the hair. Nora will be rockin' this style for days. You see Nora is very active, especially in the bath. I have resorted to giving her baths in the baby bathtub. We will only do this twice a week. It always results in me getting soaked. I don't really like it at all, neither does she. I think that is all, if you want any tips for you or your daughters on how you can have this look too, just post. I will see if Nora has time to comment back, she is very busy you know! Have a great day!


Unknown said...

Little casts just have such a pathetic look to them, don't they? Hopefully all goes well with her healing. And wow! She has grown so fast!

Dianne said...

I like the cast! It says, "Yeah, it's pink and I'm tough!" Or was that the cut off sleeper? Anyway, what a trooper. Good luck!

Piepee said...

Good Luck with all that. It stinks it happened but she looks like a trooper!

Ras Family said...

She looks so grown up! Bummer about the broken arm. Hope they figured out what the hives were. I bet you're hoping spring comes soon! :)

This Idaho Girl said...

I do love the cut-off sleeper. She totally looks tough. You should have chosen a black cast! LOL. I can't imagine trying to bathe a 19 month old in a baby tub. Trying to keep that cast dry takes talent for sure.

La Familia Mata said...

When I pulled up your blog, Malia (who of course is on my lap because why should I be able to sit at the computer by my lonesome???)said, "Oh, no. My Na-Na! Baby Na-Na!" She sure does miss them, as do I. Oh, and you. I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!