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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dan's Job

Well there is good news and new news. First off Dan still has a job!! 15 people got laid off at his job, he was kept on. That is half of the workforce! We are so grateful that they choose him to keep his job. He will have new hours. Right now her works from 6am to 6pm. They have cut back on his hours so sometimes he goes in later. His new hours will be from 6pm to 6am. Full time, on an alternating schedule. It will take a lot of getting used to for Dan. He has never worked a night shift before. I think I will have to make him up a bed upstairs, get him some ear plugs and some really dark curtains. I hope that her can adjust to it soon. He might be able to go back to his regular shift in April. I hope they can switch him back soon. Bedtime is really special to our kids and he would miss it the nights he works.

We still have not heard from the school.

Nora might get her cast off on Friday, she might have to get a new one on though. I hope she can keep it off, she really wants to take a normal bath!

I think that is all, I have Amanda's new address, if anyone would like it email me and I will send it off to you. She is doing alright. David is in Utah getting their stuff out of storage, which means Amanda is in their new house in CO with nothing but a blow up mattress they bought. Malia is with Amanda with not much to do. Not fun for anyone. Call her, send her mail, cheer her up!!


Traci Elizabeth said...

I hate the night schedule! When cameron worked nights I had to put foil on the windows in our bedroom...it makes it so dark!!

email me Amanda's address and phone number...and yours too!

Ras Family said...

Thanks for the updates. Good to have a job. Third shift isn't so bad...if you can survive without sleep!

Kay said...

Good to hear about the job. I think in these times we should all be thankful that we have kept our jobs! I know that we are! Things will get better eventually! And I bet you'll get used to the shift change. Hang in there.

This Idaho Girl said...

What a blessing that he didn't get laid off. Just having a job is such a relief these days. Poor Amanda. I bet you're excited to visit. Hope she gets some help from the ward settling in.

Dianne said...

I'm so glad he wasn't laid off. It's such a scary feeling not knowing if your job will be there next week. It will be quite the adjustment to nights, but from experience, you get used to it and it will get easier for you. For him...well that's another story. lol