~Please DO NOT steal our photos, Stealing makes me sad.~

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sick Babe

So I took Nora to the doctor yesterday. I found out why she was so grumpy at the photo shoot. She has a double ear infection, a sinus infection, and has to take nebulizer treatments for her lungs because she is wheezing!. Poor girl, I thought that maybe she was allergic to Duke and Lizzy G&G Caley's dogs but the Doc assured me that there is a 1% chance that she could be this young. I guess you don't start developing air-born allergies until you are 2 yrs +. So that is a good thing, especially since she loves the puppies. I have a busy week coming up. Dan's sister Karen is in town from Washington DC. On Friday our ward has our annual Iron Chef Competition, where the High Priest go up against the Elders Quarm. It is a really good time. Dan and I are on the activities committee together. I also just found out that there are five people due is our ward in September! I am also the compassionate service leader. That will be a busy month. What else... Oh Nathan my 2 1/2 year old is officially potty trained! His is doing so well. We have a little bit of a problem with the automatic flushing toilets but we are working on it. I usually put something in front of the red eye that is on them and then that way he is in charge of when it flushes. I just can't get over how quickly he picked it up. I am amazed everyday at how grown up he is. Well I think that is all for now. Sorry no picture.


Sharon Madsen said...

Poor Nora,
No wonder she looks so sad! I'm glad it's not the dogs though! Check my blog for another take on her pic. I'm trying to make it kinda dark-spooky - I don't know why - Just the look on her face I guess. I got the 1st one printed on watercolor paper.
I'm proud of Nathan too. and hope Nora is better!

Piepee said...

Sorry to hear Nora's sick. But Congratulations Nathan!!!

Frisbies Forever said...

Do you want to try my 3yr old? He doesn't care to potty train. Maybe you could make it more fun. I'm sorry Nora is so sick. That is miserable!

La Familia Mata said...

I MISS YOU!!!!! I MISS NORA!!!! I MISS NATHAN!!! Oh, you too, Dan. Hee! Hee! COME AND VISIT ME!!!!!!

Marlo said...

Maybe you should get a compassionate service assistant - I hear they do a pretty good job. And who are these 5? My mom only told me 3. Good luck.

Lolo said...

Sorry.. I am late at leaving a comment. Hopefully, Nora is all better by now. I really like the pics Sharon took of her, though. She is so big.

Sir Talksalot said...

Hope she gets better