~Please DO NOT steal our photos, Stealing makes me sad.~

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I want to go to that place.
Life has been so busy lately. So much going on that I have no time for me. We did get to go and see most of the grandparents yesterday in Cedar Falls. It was really great to see everyone. I wish I had tons of money so I could afford to go and visit all the time. This summer is shaping up to be a busy one. Hope everyone is staying safe in this heat!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nathan's Do

He will hate me for this when he is older but I could not pass it up! Look how sad he is!! Nora did a much better job than he did. Little stinker!

Nora's First Haircut!

Nora after the haircut. It doesn't look that different. It is just all even now and we gave her some layers. It was sad to see her curls on the floor. They will grow back though.

Before the first cut. All parted off and ready to go.

Alyssa trying to part her hair. She kept saying " how do you do this everyday?" Notice Nathan in the background. Why yes he is standing in the window. Sorry girls, I already have mom of the year award. Better luck next year.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kitchen change-a-roo

I got a little crazy yesterday and totally cleaned my kitchen. Pulled out the fridge, the baker's rack, and the stove. Scrubbed everything down and made a few changes. For those of you that have not been to my house, sorry I have no before picture. For those of you that have and know what it used to look like, Enjoy! I am really enjoying the change. I swaped the fridge and the bakers rack. I think it opens up the room a little more. I am going to hang my cast iron skillets on the side wall by the bakers rack. Now I need to move on to the kid room. Sort clothes, sort toys ect. Wish me luck!