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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nora's First Haircut!

Nora after the haircut. It doesn't look that different. It is just all even now and we gave her some layers. It was sad to see her curls on the floor. They will grow back though.

Before the first cut. All parted off and ready to go.

Alyssa trying to part her hair. She kept saying " how do you do this everyday?" Notice Nathan in the background. Why yes he is standing in the window. Sorry girls, I already have mom of the year award. Better luck next year.


Dianne said...

yeah...we mom's wonder that everyday don't we?? lol

Frisbies Forever said...

At least it's close to the ground.
: ) With all you have been through this year, I think you do deserve it. Anyone who says no, should speak to ME.

Tara Oliver said...

awww the first haircut! so cute. Savannah hasn't gotten one yet, but I'm sure she'll need one soon. but she has curls just like Nora, so it might be hard to see those go.